Busy, and Getting Nothing Accomplished – Simple Tip For Sales and Recruiting
As a sales person or recruiter (or pretty much anything else for that matter!), the most precious resource you have in your quest to compete and win is time. It never ceases to amaze me how we all squander time and then complain about how “busy” we are. Even folks that are strong at time management […]
You Are Just As Talented Today As You Were Yesterday – Maybe Even More Talented
“The new CEO wants his own people in place.” “Your position is being eliminated.” “We are relocating your job. You have the option to move…” It is a virtual certainty that all of us will hear one of the phrases above – or some variation – during our careers. Leaving a job on anything but […]
Last week I had lunch with a business associate. This small business owner wanted to talk about about “employee engagement”, and how to make it happen. Of course, I started asking questions. – What did he mean by “employee engagement”? – What would be the signs to him that it was happening? – Why does […]
Using the Tools In Your Toolbox
My professional background encompasses a variety of roles and disciplines: Sales, Operations, Leadership, Consulting, Delivery, Project Management, etc. These cross-discipline experiences provide a great foundation to look at situations from multiple perspectives, and come up with approaches that go beyond what is asked to what is needed. I am not alone in this. We all have worked […]
Your A-Team Isn’t Performing. Duh…
I recently had lunch with a colleague, a business owner, who commented that his team’s productivity and seems to have dipped in performance. He stated they had become lazy and complacent, and wanted to shake things up, to get their attention. He wanted to know my thoughts on what do do, should he change the […]
Gen Y Replacing the Boomers – Are You Ready?
I am working with a client to assist with hiring a new staff professional for her organization. This particular client is about my age and a “baby boomer” by all measures. She is specifically looking for talent that can ultimately contribute to the succession of current leaders in the organization, and is specifically looking for […]
The Right Activity Leads To Results
Like many folks in business today, I am pulled in multiple directions, subject to the whim of others in my personal and professional circles. When in the midst of… Launching a new business venture and setting up the proper legal and operational structures Prospecting for new clients Delivering to existing clients Helping elderly parents Working […]
Consulting for Consulting Firms
I am launching my own firm that, among other things, provides advisory and consulting services to professional staffing and consulting firms. Sounds odd doesn’t it: consulting services for consulting firms. Taking a closer look shows that it’s not so odd. Consulting firms face the same challenges that all businesses face: growth, profitability, a volatile market […]
Let the Prospect Decide To What To Buy…Or Not
As a sales person, you are in the following situation: You are in front of a prospect who, on the surface, seems like an ideal fit for the product or service you provide. You believe you do everything right in this meeting. You establish rapport, commenting on pictures of the prospect’s family or hobby. You […]
Why We Miss The Simple Things
In my experience, many of our seemingly complex challenges can be distilled down to basics. We consult trusted advisors and mentors to tell us the obvious. Chances are the solution recommended will be straightforward, and we ask “Why didn’t I see that?” and the answer will be because we were too busy, distracted, too close […]